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LAYOUT, o e-book que ensina a paginar
Alfabetos, o e-book que descreve toda a Tipografia e Caligrafia
Tipos e fontes, o e-book que ensina Typeface Design
Design em Portugal documenta os primeiros cem anos: de 1870 a 1970.
Revistas para Clientes, o e-book sobre o Corporate Publishing

Megalitismo, o e-book sobre a Pé-Historia
Romanos na Península Ibérica, o e-book sobre a Cultura Romana

KalliCulator, um simulador de caligrafia

Será possivel simular o ducto caligráfico com um programa de computador? Frederik Berlaen desenvolveu o KalliCulator — a tool for quickly generating contrast around one or several skeletons.

KalliCulator was my final project at the postgraduate TypeMedia at the KABK8 in The Hague.

KalliCulator is based on a research of the two most common used pens: the BroadNib and PointedPen. These two pens have there own contrast and way of handeling. I searched for parameters which describe each pen and also the relation between these two pens.

KalliCulator is calculating contrast around a skeleton letterform. These skeletons are a mix between the mathematical middle of a stroke and the imaginairy paht the hand is following during writing. In a more correct perspective a skeleton is the mathematical middle of the pen (doesnt matter which pen) during writing with it. These new generated contrast could be exported to a .pdf or an .ufo.



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